During hand hoeing only the top 40+50 mm of soil was disturbed and the ground was walked over to give a -at compacted surface.
The second unsatisfactory feature is the ad hoe introduction of kinetic effects by a mean free path approach.
The hoe is a kind of forked digging tool with two long 'fingers'.
Farmers mostly used a digging hoe for land preparation.
Ridges and ties about 0.3 m high were made using a hand hoe.
Insect pests were controlled with recommended pesticides and weeds were removed by hoeing.
The digging hoe (toyle) is a common traditional tool and most commonly used.
Before 1959, agricultural production in the area depended heavily on hoe cultivation, carried out mainly by women.
Tubers were harvested by digging with a hoe.
The ten-row spatial arrangement allowed the use of the innovative precision hoeing machine, while a conventional hoeing machine was adopted in the standard system.
The hoe-type drill used in the two last seasons alleviated these problems since both seeds and fertilizers were banded in the 5+10 cm layer.
Average cropped land per household of around six members ranges between 1.1 and 1.6 ha for hoe cultivators, and 2.3 to 4.3 ha for ox cultivators.
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